08 April 2005

It's a good thing...

It's a good thing Blogger refused to let me post my entry last night. It was a long entry that, at first, I intended on touching on various subjects (my Writing major, my Journalism major, the summer, the fall, and general "life" things (i.e. friends)), but turned into an emotional mess of an entry.

I was slightly intoxicated and partially depressed...just wasn't feeling spectacular, ya know, so I just sorta dumped my head into this blog. But as I got to the end, I began writing about some girl issues I've been dealing with (or NOT dealing with) and the whole post just turned into a muddled mess that, thinking back on it, even scared ME a little bit. I was just kinda "out there" with it, talking about my paranoia and how I hated society and they made me into the antisocial asshole that I am, the paranoid freak that I am, etc.

It was crazy. Crazy dumb. So, I just thought I'd mention that I'm glad Blogger was all fucked up, lol.

It still sucks that I'm way too ballless (balless? ball-less?) to ask this girl out...oh well, you win some...you lose some.

Unless you're me, then you just lose 'em all.

03 April 2005

Even 7-Elevens have sweet fucking signs in Vegas. SPECTACULAR! Posted by Hello

More cake destruction. Posted by Hello

We didn't get to eat the cake, normally anyway, it was destroyed during the limo ride. Oops. Posted by Hello

Still chillin' in the limo, there's Frankie's foot, see it? It's chiiiiiiiiiiillin'. Posted by Hello

E'errybody chillin' in the limo, post-wedding. Posted by Hello

The whole wedding party out in front of the Vegas sign: (left to right) me, Wendy, Mom, John, Mindy, Scott. w00t. Posted by Hello

My mom and John having their first dance. Posted by Hello

My mom, me, and my sistizzle, Wendizzle...standing outside of somewhere, I don't remember. Posted by Hello

This is Frankie, kinda drunk. Posted by Hello

This is me, really drunk. Posted by Hello

The intersection of Flamingo and Koval, where Tupac got shot. Yes, we actually went out of our way to drive by it...we're not freaks, I promise. =o\ Posted by Hello

And here's Fatal Frankie aka Kanye West and myself aka myself with some mountains and shit behind us (still at, or rather, ON the Hoover Dam). Posted by Hello

Here's another shot of the Hoover Dam...well, not actually the dam itself, but the water it holds down like "the man." Posted by Hello

Here's Frankie in two different states, as well as two different time zones. Fuck you, Arizona, for being so damned difficult, especially on this, the eve of daylight savings!! Posted by Hello

Hoover Dam again, with a nice, looooooooong look down. Oh yeah, and please...keep off the wall. Posted by Hello

This is some statue at the Hoover Dam, with a flag on top. Frankie took this picture and it's got a really sweet sunbeam thing goin' on. Posted by Hello

I think Frankie took this picture, but I just noticed how fucking sweet it looks. It's Caesar's Palace. Posted by Hello

The show at Treasure Island. Posted by Hello

There's John with his head in that giant bronzed lion's mouth. Posted by Hello

Jim Ross: "BAH GAWD IT'S KANE!!!" Posted by Hello

Frankie sticking his finger up a statue's butt at Caesar's Palace. Posted by Hello

The water fountains out in front of the Bellagio. Look at those sweet fuckin' camera skills. 8o) Posted by Hello

This is at the Rio, I believe. They dance and throw beads and they've got big ships and floats and stuff. It was pretty cool, actually, and that blonde chick on the right was really hot. lol. Posted by Hello

Very dark picture, but that's me and Frankie standing under the sign. For those of you interested, I'm wearing black tuxedo pants, a black Kevin Garnett jersey, my red cummerbund (sp?), my red bow tie, and a black and white Rey Mysterio-ish looking wrestling mask. Awesome. Posted by Hello

So Wendy runs at Frankie, jumps, and Frankie catches her...they do this for whatever reason. And so he stands there and holds her and I kneel down cuz I gotta get the sign in the picture and then the camera won't flash/take the picture and Frankie's "Hurry the fuck up!" and then I finally take the picture and voila. Posted by Hello