Vote or Die, P.Diddy?
I'm choosing death next time.
I've spent the better part of the past two days trying to keep myself from either 1) snapping on somebody or 2) breaking down and crying...
...and no, it's not because "I" lost, but it's because half my family is much more narrow-minded and asshole-ish than I thought. You know, "you guys" won, so does it really fuckin' matter who I voted for? Not really. Yet you somehow find the time and energy to take it out on me that I voted Kerry.
So thank you for that, I really appreciate being made to feel like less of a person because of the opinion(s) I hold. For people I love and care about, I guess I expected too much out of them to not be so dickheaded.
My grandma wants to waggle her finger in my face, gloating, and telling me I should've voted for Bush so I could be a "winner."
My brother and sister hooting and hollering not because they know anything on their own accord about politics but because they accept the good word of grandma because she's grandma.
My cousin and best friend giving me a call, not really to talk, but to call me a "fuckin' fag" because I'm "trying to take money out of his pocket."
My cousin's wife and good friend leaving a similar message on my Blurty.
So if I'm gonna be the bad guy in all this, then fuck it. Another voice silenced, I'm never voting again. I've never given a shit about politics, and this is why, there's absolutely no convincing other people...there's no discussing of ideas at all. It's either "my way or the highway" so I've avoided it because I can't stand disagreeing and/or arguing with friends or family, because I get angry - not because they're unaccepting of a position, but because they don't even give a shit to listen and/or learn.
If anybody actually paid attention (Jeff and Jen especially, since I'm "taking money from them") then they'd realize that when bills and shit are proposed, it's not straightforward "Give $87 billion to the military" - there are bullshit little details added in there which make it NOT cut-and-fucking dry. I don't even care to go into details, because I don't know them, nor does anybody else most likely. With politics, everything is slanted in one direction or another. So I won't get any deeper, just because I'm in over my head - I won't pretend to know what I'm talking about. But what I've already stated in this paragraph, about bills involving many, many details, that's a fact...that's the process the government goes through, so on and so forth.
If it were as simple as "Give the military money," bills and the like wouldn't be PAGES LONG. So tough shit. Find the bill, read it word-for-word, and you tell me what each and every sentence means and implies and requires.
From what I'm lookin' at, it's not even "pocket" money - it's money for supplies and whatnot, none of which would then be money being taken from pockets - well, except from the pockets of tax-payers paying for it. Which isn't bad, of course they need supplies, but when the wording of the bill sucks balls - it sucks balls.
Beyond that, Bush has, is, and will probably continue to do things that conflict with the Constitution. You know what the Constitution is, don't you?
Apparently it's "nothing" anymore.
Gay marriage is banned in 11 states now. Would it even be an issue had Bush not brought it to the national spotlight? Dunno, but I'm sure it played a part in it. And on the basis of banning gay marriage, I don't see anything that would stop Bush from choosing to ban the marriage of Muslim-Americans.
Why's that conflict with the Constitution? Freedom of religion and separation of church and state. He's made it very apparent that he opposes gay marriage because marriage is between "man" and "woman" under "God" - a God that is, by Christian definition, a Christian God. Well, Allah certainly isn't a Christian God, so I don't see what's stopping him...because their union is not under "God" as he sees it.
So, honestly, anything stopping the ban of Islamic marriages? Or any other non-Christian religion?
I don't give a shit if you're Christian and have strong beliefs just like Bush - that's cool - using those to make judgments, using those to pass bills into LAW, using those to basically alter the Constitution is fucked up.
If marriage is exclusive to "the church," then why can you go to a courthouse and have a justice of the peace (who is of no religious ties, look up "justice of the peace") legally (as in, the law, as in "the state" and not "the church") marry you?
How about the Patriot Act that's got provisions for potential sneak-and-peek searches which is in conflict with (I believe) the Fourth Amendment - no illegal search and seizures and the need of a warrant to do so; it may be a different Amendment than the 4th, but it does exist, durr - what about that?
Maybe I'm a fool for actually expecting America to stand for what it claims to stand for. I try to be open and honest and fair and understanding - I'm not anti-Bush by any means and none of this has anything to do with Michael Moore, because I've never paid attention to any of his bullshit - he's a scumbag (this should go without saying, but since I'm apparently "liberal" then I'm "anti-Bush" and therefore, Michael Moore is my "hero" but the stupidity and bigotry and idiocy and narrow-mindedness of the U.S. requires me to clarify that Moore's a scumbag and I don't give a flying fuck about him).
So maybe I'm a fool but I really think that this country should and can be a place everyone of every "type" can live without fear and without judgment and with freedom and equal rights, but it'll never happen in my lifetime. There's still racism, there's still sexism, there's still unequal opportunities within the class system, and there's overall a ton of intolerance.
I'm intolerant to three things: stupidity, ignorance, and intolerance.
And it's possible to add "religion" to that list. Don't get it twisted, I'm all for belief...I'm all for spirituality...and I'm all for some of the things presented by religion (like "love thy neighbor"). But "religion" as an organization, as a system, is the biggest crock of bullshit in the entire history of humanity.
My previous entry should be the most important thing you ever TRULY consider that comes out of my keyboard. God is non-denominational. In most cases, God is treated as all-knowing...all-perfect...all-etc., correct? Once again, I'm not well-versed here, but obviously Christianity holds this do most others, considering the religious wars and even part of the reason we're even in this al-Qaida/Iraq/Afghanistan mess, because of differences in beliefs of God.
Anyway, if God is perfect, God cannot be biased. By "favoring" a certain denomination, THAT is a bias and so either, your God isn't perfect or your religion is full of shit. I'm opting for the latter.
So, in closing, I'm sure I'm going to be viewed as "crazy" by several of you as you read this. Yes, I'm crazy, so please spare me the comments. I, along with my cousin and uncle, have held this concept for as long as we've referred to ourselves as the "Fuck Off Posse:"
If you're not crazy...then you're crazy.
You're not normal, so get the fuck over yourself. I have.
The entire point of this post is not to show that I'm "smarter" than anybody else, because I am not by any means...I'm not here to knock the Bush supporters, or support the Kerry supporters. I just want people, in general, to acquire some semblance of truth...and I don't see that happening.
And specifically, the point of this post...if any of you are still friends and my family are far more important that politics, so I don't see myself voting in 2008. Perhaps I'm copping out to peer pressure, I don't know, but it's not fuckin' worth it. It's a catch-22, because the only reason I hold the type of beliefs I do, is because of my friends and my family - as I've stated in a previous entry, long ago, my entire purpose in life (IMO) is to make life easier, to make life better, for the people I care about.
But if that's going to piss people off, I'm not gonna be involved. I, like most of the population (admittedly or not), don't know shit about politics. I tried these past few weeks and I went from being fairly neutral to seeing Kerry as the better choice. With P.Diddy, Eminem, the WWE, MTV, and every-fucking-body under the sun stressing the importance of voting...I've realized it's only important to Democrats, if you're voting Democrat. And it's only important to Republicans, if you're voting Republican.
And it's only important to Independents, if you're debating action figures on DVD. =o)
I certainly haven't felt a "warm welcome" to the voting world - just for the simple fact I voted, when I clearly have not given a shit for 3 and 3/4th "Hey, good job just for doing it." I've just been shit on by the people I care about most because they voted for Bush.
So I'm sorry if I "offended" you with my vote, I apologize for even attempting to give a shit about this country. Please continue to ridicule me at every opportunity because I'm obviously less of a person than you are. I'll gladly accept the role of the "bad guy" if that makes any of you feel better.
But I refuse to be silent. You can be happy Bush won, you can be mad that I voted Kerry, you can do whatever you want. But just keep in mind that in the past 48+ hours, you haven't done a very good job of treating me like your grandson, your brother, your cousin, your friend, your [insert relationship here].
You've treated me like shit. I don't appreciate it. And it hurts.
Fuck Bush. Fuck Kerry. Fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck politics. Fuck America. Fuck South Park (it was funny when it was Stan; it's not funny not that it's me (although I didn't have to deal with PETA)). Fuck P.Diddy. And fuck this entry.
I'm disabling comments, because I don't wanna deal with the bullshit. I don't know how many of my friends have this link and/or read this journal, but if you actually wanna talk and not be a judgmental asshole, you know where to IM me. In the meantime, I'm gonna go to bed. And when I wake up, I'm not going to give a fuck.
Apolitical in 2008.