I'm hungry, therefore I sleep
Yeah, well, it's either that or get fat(ter). So this'll be short.
Below, you'll find about 9 pictures from Monday Night RAW this past Monday night. I attended the show with my brother, Scott...my sister, Wendy...and our homie, Fatal mothafuckin' Frankie!
It was a pretty damn good time, I enjoyed myself. I'm kind of peeved about the pictures, though. We took a shitload of pictures...Frankie's turned out the best, but mine turned out shitty. I had a digital camera (well, so did Frankie, durr)...but I don't understand what was wrong. I used the flash, the picture was dark (see the Coach/Grisham pic). Turn off the flash, and then everything was blurry. I also took along a pair of digital camera binoculars (don't ask...) and, well, I didn't know how to use those very well. Because the LCD screen is on TOP of the thing, not anywhere near the eyeholes, so I'd click and hold to take a picture, then flip the binoculars up so I could see the LCD screen.
Apparently I shouldn't have been doing that. =o\ About half (or more) of the pictures are just colored streaks of the ceiling lights, from when I moved it to see the LCD panel.
Hell Week is almost over. Monday was a pretty damn good day, all things considered. Weather was nice, went to RAW, everything ran smoothly. Tuesday was shit. Nasty weather, day dragged on, I had a headache, it was just a pain in the ass day. Today was in-between, but leaning towards the "good" side a bit. Tomorrow, I get the feeling, with suck ass. I have an exam, a debate/discussion, a meeting with a writing tutor, and two papers to finish.
Friday, I have to turn in the two papers and meet with my advisor about next semester and such. Also, I think Frankie and I may go check out the Southside library and see if we can vote early over there. I wanna get it done so I don't have to deal with it on Tuesday.
I'm still hungry. I might just have to eat something, or else I won't be able to sleep...konichiwah, bitches!