28 October 2004

I'm hungry, therefore I sleep

Yeah, well, it's either that or get fat(ter). So this'll be short.

Below, you'll find about 9 pictures from Monday Night RAW this past Monday night. I attended the show with my brother, Scott...my sister, Wendy...and our homie, Fatal mothafuckin' Frankie!

It was a pretty damn good time, I enjoyed myself. I'm kind of peeved about the pictures, though. We took a shitload of pictures...Frankie's turned out the best, but mine turned out shitty. I had a digital camera (well, so did Frankie, durr)...but I don't understand what was wrong. I used the flash, the picture was dark (see the Coach/Grisham pic). Turn off the flash, and then everything was blurry. I also took along a pair of digital camera binoculars (don't ask...) and, well, I didn't know how to use those very well. Because the LCD screen is on TOP of the thing, not anywhere near the eyeholes, so I'd click and hold to take a picture, then flip the binoculars up so I could see the LCD screen.

Apparently I shouldn't have been doing that. =o\ About half (or more) of the pictures are just colored streaks of the ceiling lights, from when I moved it to see the LCD panel.

Hell Week is almost over. Monday was a pretty damn good day, all things considered. Weather was nice, went to RAW, everything ran smoothly. Tuesday was shit. Nasty weather, day dragged on, I had a headache, it was just a pain in the ass day. Today was in-between, but leaning towards the "good" side a bit. Tomorrow, I get the feeling, with suck ass. I have an exam, a debate/discussion, a meeting with a writing tutor, and two papers to finish.

Friday, I have to turn in the two papers and meet with my advisor about next semester and such. Also, I think Frankie and I may go check out the Southside library and see if we can vote early over there. I wanna get it done so I don't have to deal with it on Tuesday.

I'm still hungry. I might just have to eat something, or else I won't be able to sleep...konichiwah, bitches!

"Eyebrows + Dropkick" Maven, Chris Jericho, and "The Mighty Midget" Chris Benoit. Posted by Hello

FINALLY! I never thought it'd happen.

Shawn Michaels is, by far, my all-time favorite wrestler. And yet...I've never seen him live and in person in any way, shape, or form. I remember going to shows as a kid and the two things I wanted to see more than anything?

1) Hulk Hogan
2) The Rockers (Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty)

Everytime, though, every FUCKING time they'd announce before the match that Shawn was injured so instead of the Rockers vs. the Nasty Boys, I got to see Marty vs. Jerry Sags. Anyway, granted, I only sparsely attended shows as a kid...and from 1994 until 1999, I didn't attend a SINGLE show of any kind. So part of this "never seeing HBK" thing is my fault.

Anyway, I went to RAW in Aug. '99 in Ames, Iowa. Triple H defeated Mankind in the main event to win the WWF Title for the first time in his career. The next night, they taped the DEBUT episode of SmackDown and Triple H successfully defended his Title against The Rock in a match that had a special guest referee...that referee?

The HeartBreak Kid himself.

Since then, I've attended a couple more RAWs (two or three of them occurred prior to 2002, when HBK returned to the ring from his retirement/back injury; one of them happened after the return, if my timing is correct, but it was in a period of time where...well, he still took time off) and I've been to several house shows...and he's never been there.

Well, with Michaels now a full-time wrestler again, he's almost always on RAW, I thought this was finally my chance to see him live. Then, last week (10/18), it happened.

Shawn got hurt during the main event of RAW. The following night, at Taboo Tuesday, he was voted in by the fans, to wrestle in the World Heavyweight Title Match...and he wrestled, in an extreme amount of pain, and he lost to Triple H (that was expected). I figured that'd be it for him and I thought I would, once again, be fucked.

But Jesus Christ Superkick had finally blessed me. He might not have wrestled. He might not have done anything fancy. But he showed up at RAW and gave a speech to the crowd. And he finally fulfilled my wish of seeing him live.

The wrestling gods shined down upon me this week... =o) Posted by Hello

Tron, stage, JR and King at the announce table, and the crane cam. Just a basic shot of where our seats were. Right in "Run-In Alley," as well, ha. Posted by Hello

A really dark picture of Coach and "THANK YOU, TODD!" Grisham. Yay, go Heat... Posted by Hello

!ENEGUE Posted by Hello

Shot of the TitanTron, as Randy Orton hits the biggest pop of the night RKO on Triple H. Posted by Hello

Evolution on their way to the ring near the beginning of the show. Triple H claimed Evolution would be in charge since Eric Bischoff took the night off. Other than an interference-ladened victory for Ric Flair, it wasn't a good night for Evolution. Posted by Hello

HBK's fireworks. Frankie took this picture and it looks too nice to pass up on posting. Posted by Hello

Randy Orton after his match with Ric Flair; also after the post-match RKO on Triple H, from Monday Night RAW in Des Moines, IA on...10/25/04.

I'm as straight as you can get...but God damnit, he's a sexy motherfucker. I feel no shame in admitting it either. Posted by Hello

27 October 2004

Hell Week #2

So, my semesters at school are typically divided into thirds. Week 5 is a bitch, Week 10 is a bitch, and so is Week 15 (approximately on these). Well, we're hoverin' around Week 10 currently, and this is the busiest week I've EVER had in recent memory.


I got 2 hours of sleep Sunday night and was exhausted by the time I went to bed last night. And I'm tired as Hell tonight. And I've still got three days ahead of me...yes, even Friday.

I dunno why I'm posting, I just felt the need to mention my current Hell. I'm tired, stressed, depressed, sore, somewhat out of my mind, so on and so forth. No Jeff. No Tim. Hell, for the next couple of days, no Frankie. He's off to STL for a concert. Jen's back home, though, which is a relief of sorts...good to know someone else is around, I guess.

It's been three or four weeks since I've talked to this girl online that I'm completely infatuated with...and that sucks, of course, cuz I don't want to feel that way, but I do, and I miss her.

Should I survive the next three days, I'm treating myself to a bottle of Jack Daniel's. Fuck all y'all, I just need to sit back and unwind on Friday. I'll be glad when this week is over, no doubt.

Fabolous -- "Breathe"
Nelly f. Tim McGraw -- "Over & Over"

These are my two current guilty pleasure songs. Nice and calm...reassuring...they really help me out and keep me from going temporarily insane. And I need to stay sane or else this whole week will go to Hell; it may go there anyway, with me sane, lol.

I've got two papers due on Friday which are my major concerns. I also have an exam on Thursday and I have to debate an essay in another class on Thursday...Critical Theory class, that is, which is gonna end up being the hardest-earned D in my own personal history.


I never thought it possible to "work" for a D, but take that class and you'll see what I mean.

Maybe I'll have an entertaining entry at the end of the week, when I've collected myself. Right now, I'm going to bed...
