Tears of an Anti-Clown...
This was taken from NinjaChat.com (obviously) which is now defunct. This is all there is when you go to the site...it used to be a forum. Anyway, read away:
NinjaChat.com - Sorry, we're closed
Oh dear. I've had quite the laugh forwarding this to a Feminem.com thread, but I'm sure you're tired of their incessant talk of male genitalia and the various ways it can ejaculate in/on another male. Hypocritical drivel at its finest.
But, now that I've had a good chuckle, I feel it's time to explain myself. First things first: this is Tickletrunk. Not Shat-Upon. Shat-Upon, Kevin, has and had nothing to do with this website, ever. He simply posted and advertised here. Nothing more, nothing less. He didn't close it for any reason. I closed it for a very specific reason.
The inception of this website took place in an IRC room a little over a year ago. It came at the demise of another message board - ICPChat.com. We felt we should continue the legacy that this website had grown. And we did.
Unfortunately, that legacy got skewed somewhere along the way. The initial creators grew tired of this website. It wasn't ours anymore, it wasn't what we wanted it to be. It was run by hype, nobody knew what we were. There were a few who did - we were a tight-knit community of friends. Nothing juggalo or anti-juggalo about us. We simply looked at things objectively and were able to draw our own conclusions. This, the golden age of NinjaChat, was not what we expected. But it was something we cherished.
A while ago, the co-administrator of this site grew tired and didn't want to do anything administration-like anymore. The site fell solely upon my shoulders, despite the mis-conception that Shat ran the show. For the last few weeks, I'd grown tired of the site. I'd grown tired of a lot of people. Keeping registration open, we had idiots and flamers joining every day. Keeping registration closed, things grew monotonous and boring. Members would lash out at other members. Specifically, I grew tired of Shat, Strangla, Nikateen, and Syinide over the past few days.
Combined with having a real life to tend to, I knew the site had to end. I knew that handing it over to someone else wasn't the way to go. I didn't like the site anymore. I knew if I were a stranger to the site, I wouldn't join because it wasn't fun anymore. The only reason I hung around was to do administration duties. Something that I had created for fun and entertainment had become simply a responsibility to tend to. My time with the site was done.
I know some of you were/are willing to pay for the website. I know some of you are bummed that it's gone. In retrospect, I'm kind of bummed that it's gone too. But it's out of my hands now.
I don't feel I owe anyone an apology, but I'd like to thank a lot of people. So, to follow will be a list of those people. If I miss you, I probably hate you. That can be taken as sarcasm or fact. So to everyone listed and not, much love. Get on with your lives. Go create an IRC room and come up with (sorry, Ermac, I had to steal this) PirateChat.com.
Thanks go to:
First of all, Stalker. Mr. Andrew Kasten. Without him, this site would have had no funding. Without him, I would've had no drive to create this site.
Second, Potato Boy, Matt. The third member of the IRC room on that fateful day. Since the day we started talking, I've found uncanny likenesses in you and I, but we've grown apart since then. I only wish you luck and hope we talk again soon.
Everybody in this list rocks a lot, but I have too much to thank you all for, so I'll just state your names: Sean (FuckNuts), Katie (winksatfreaks), Kevin (Kevin of Satan), Kevin (Shat-Upon), Chuck (Ermac the Unholy), Brandon (acetken), Scabz, and KtF.
Everybody in this list rocks quite a bit too, but I (a) never got to know you on the personal level I got to know some others, or (b) haven't talked to you in a while and need to catch up: Fatal Frankie and Degener8puff (did I spell that right? You guys gave me more smiles than you'll ever know), xdjuggalo, Mr. Bones, Druby, MandyMadrox, Wonko, and ... I'm drawing a blank. If there's any others, I apologize.
I'd like to thank Gerald and Mike Brown for being awesome real life guys to hang out with. I'd like to thank Oli for being the coolest guy to post the least on the site.
Finally, the biggest thanks goes to Mike Brown (aka Schoolbus, aka xsirbonbonx, aka xBONBONx) for coining this on the site (though I'm almost positive you stole it from Ty):
Faithfully yours,
(Keep in touch! E-mail me.)
Anyway, the importance of this, to me anyway, is that Frankie and I each had under 400 posts. He joined last October, I think, and I joined in like...February or March? I don't remember. Just a couple months ago. And we basically flew under the radar. We'd sorta get into the different topics and tried to be as involved with threads as everyone else, but we always wound up replying to one another and just being retarded lil goons. So it was just a bit of a shock to see that we actually made an impression upon somebody like that.
Just wanted to share that. If, by some chance, any former NinjaChatters happen upon this page...thanks for the good times and the laughs, even if it was short-lived on my end. In closing, please try Faygo's brand-new flavor...Kiwi-Mango Clorox!
I'd end this entry with my John Cena/FU bit (which I started on NinjaChat), but the BloggerBot isn't online. WUZUPWITDAT?!
Notorious B.I.G. & Bone Thugs N Harmony - "Notorious Thugs"

FU, beyotch!