19 April 2010

[the buried life]


I love The Buried Life. Great show, great kids, doing great (and fun) things. As discussed in my last blog, I've never really had a "bucket list," and even once I started to construct it in said blog, it amounted to three items. Since then, I've managed to build my list up to six items.

[what would you like to do before you die?]

1. Attend WrestleMania
(Completed this one four times over. WrestleManias 22, 23, 24, and 25 in the years 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009. Discussed in detail in my previous blog, and prior to that, it got a mention or two...)

2. See Michael Jordan play basketball
(This one will probably never get crossed off. I guess it's not out of the question, but with Jordan older and retired [no more comebacks, either], the opportunities are few and far between to see him play ball live. The closest I ever came was 1994, we had tickets to a Bulls-Timberwolves game, purchased prior to Jordan's first retirement. Damn.)

3. Attend a Motley Crue concert
(Completed this one five times over. I saw them in concert twice in 2005, once in Des Moines and once in Sioux City. Then I saw them on CrueFest 1 and 2 in 2008 and 2009, both times in St. Louis. And then once more in Des Moines, in 2009, sandwiched between the two CrueFests.)

4. Participate in, and complete, a triathlon
(A standard triathlon is out of the question, at least to begin with. My first goal is a sprint triathlon, which is half a standard. The Copper Creek Triathlon is a local sprint, and I'm targeting the 2011 running, since it takes place in June and I don't think I could be ready by this June.

A sprint consists of a half-mile swim, a 12-mile bike ride, and a 3-mile run. I've been swimming three times a week for exercise lately, so the swimming doesn't worry me. Heather and I are hoping to get cheap bikes this summer, so we can ride around town, and I'm not concerned with a 12-mile ride, considering how much riding we did in our scavenger hunt last November.

What bothers me is the run. I just can't run. Several months ago, before I laid off the exercise train entirely, I was trying to jog a 12-minute mile on the treadmill here at our apartment complex. The last several times I tried this, I completed the mile, but it absolutely destroyed my knees.

While I maintain my swim routine, I plan on drawing up a workout schedule, incorporating jogs, yoga, and eventually bike rides [once we have bikes]. With over a year to prepare for this, I hope I can slowly build up to a mile, and then two, and finally three.

This is a pretty random addition to the list. I have no idea what prompted me to consider it, but based on my current swimming routine and future biking, I figured it might be a nice goal to build towards.)

5. Publish a story
(I like to write stories. Well, used to. I've been working on something lately. I hope to get some feedback/criticism on it, improve it, and get a finished product. Or come up with a new idea.)

6. Compete in a three-on-three basketball tournament with my uncle and cousin
(A last-minute addition tonight. I was talking to the weekend sports anchor at work, and he is playing in a three-on-three basketball tournament this summer in Washington. Just talking about it made me want to do it as well. I used to love basketball, and still do [somewhere deep down]. But as I thought about it, what I loved the most about playing basketball, was playing with my uncle Tim and cousin Jeff. We were quite a formidable trio back in our YMCA playing days, and while my uncle is getting older, and their father-son relationship is lacking, I think we could still pull out some of the old magic.

There's a couple of local tournaments - DMACC's Wild, Wild West tournament and the Hoopin' at the Dome tournament. I think it would be fun, and exciting, for the three of us to get back to the basics. This is how we bonded in 1997. Maybe this is how we reunite and bond in 2010.)

As I said, I intend on updating this particular blog entry as I come up with new additions to the list, as well as cross off the ones I complete. I also hope to begin blogging on a regular basis to get the writing juices flowing again. Plus, I like to keep track of my life. :)


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