
This past Tuesday night, we managed to have a little Coellner Basement Entertainment photoshoot. It was fun and we got some good shots out of it. Frankie and I were both eager to begin graphic work and this is the first image I produced. The initial picture idea was mine (the electrical tape X over our mouths) and graphically, it came out pretty cool.
In other news, the past two weeks (which I had banked on being the most grueling two weeks of the semester) turned out to be rather tame. Last Friday, I went and filmed that girls' basketball team workout. This other guy in the class (I guess you could call him a "friend" although I don't make too many of those) went with me, because he had a shoot immediately after me that he might've had to do. So he showed me the basics of the camera and I shot the one girl (out of five or six) who actually showed up to lift weights. After about 20 minutes, a second girl showed up, and I got some footage of her.
Speaking of that day (Friday, Oct. 8)...I removed my eyebrow ring. For quite some time now, the piece of skin holding it in has been very small. I've dealt with it and told people it wasn't that big of a deal to me...well, it finally became a big deal, because the barbell was just too loose. It annoyed me. So, when I woke up that morning, it was sore...and I decided now was the time. I have had it for 3 and a half years and I have intentions of getting it re-pierced in the near future, but for now...my eyebrow is naked.
Back to school. The journalism accreditation team was visiting (they do it every 4 years or something...to re-accredit the school) so everyone had to be on their best behavior and such. We actually met for Video Production on Monday, but not on Wednesday. That class has been canceled two, three, four times in the past couple weeks (I've lost track). My Web Design class was canceled Wednesday, and our first project was pushed back from Wednesday to Friday for the due date.
My Broadcast Management exam was pushed back until after Fall Break (which is tomorrow and Tuesday, for the record...yay! No classes!). However, I still had my Critical Theory exam on Thursday. I actually spent most of Wednesday evening studying (the concept of studying is lost on me, but I tried). The exam went so-so. I felt like I kinda/sorta knew what I was writing about, but I don't feel like I knew enough.
Thursday was also spent meeting with the program director of the Family Violence Center about my group's idea for the video project we're doing for them. She seemed to like the pitch...we're meeting with her again on Wednesday to get a final say from her.
Fuck, Thursday overall was a bitchin' day. I was glad to finally get home and re-fuckin'-lax!
Not looking forward to getting back to work on shit on Wednesday. There's far too much goin' on. Gotta get ready to register for next semester - which reminds me of another problem I had to sort through on Thursday. One day, I was listed at 87.0 credits...couple of days later, I was listed at 84.0 credits. Next day, back to 87.0 credits.
That's the abridged version of the story.
So Thursday I got that sorted out, I'm at 84.0 credits officially. I would've loved to keep 3.0 free credits, but I just knew it'd fuck me over come graduation time.
In addition to registration coming up, I have a management paper due soon that requires me to interview a boss I've had within my field of study (TV/Radio). That severely limits me to the one and only boss I had this past summer and guess what? I can't get ahold of him.
Okay, between stories that popped up through that section, and the random ramblings about school...I remembered I do have a story, somewhat, to share.
Friday night, I went out to dinner with my family. My mom, her boyfriend, my brother, my sister, my friend Frankie, my grandparents, and my grandma's sister (who lives in Florida and was back home for a few days). We ate at the Old Country Buffet and it was pretty good stuff. Typical family dinner. My grandma talked about dead bodies as I poked at my ice cream...you know, the usual. =o)
Afterwards, Frankie and I stopped by his house. Once back at Tha Basement, I called over to my grandma's to see if Tim was there. He was. So Frankie and I headed over there and proceeded to chat with Tim and Holli (who I haven't seen in awhile, unfortunately), my grandparents, my sister (who was spending the night over there), and my grandma's sister. Yeah. Haha.
I found out from them that Jen is moving back home next weekend, when Jeff goes to Nevada for a month. Their apartment jerks them off ($800/month) so they're getting out of that situation. Jen will live here till next summer, I think, and Jeff's just going to stay in the barracks until they ship out in January for their world tour.
I also found out that Tim was leaving this weekend...today (Sunday) to be exact. He was promoted at work (which I knew) and it required training in Oklahoma City (which I knew) and he left today for a month (which I only found out on Friday, when he told me, duh). Once he returns, though, we're heading up to Minneapolis he said...Mall of America road trip. Hopefully that goes through.
Holli said it'd be a weekend for me, some Jack Daniel's, a shower cap, and the Bible (we won't discuss this story, though). This planted a good idea in my head, so after leaving my grandparents...Frankie and I stopped at Wal-Mart. He actually wanted some juice, but we ended up leaving with a four-pack of Jack Daniel's "Downhome Punch." He was payin' for it, and he didn't have much money, so we couldn't go for the actual bottle of good stuff...but I won't complain, it was cool.
It was my first time buying alcohol since turning 21. Well, which means, my first time buying alcohol period. I'm no longer a virgin. =oO
(At buying alcohol, that is.)
So we came back here, chilled, and drank a bit.
I hope everything works out for Jeff in the coming months. He's been having some problems, of varying degrees, and I think all four of us (me, Jeff, Jen, and Frankie) were hoping it led to a medical discharge.
It didn't. And it probably won't.
Kind of a letdown, I was hoping he'd get to come home. But, as Tim has told me on many occasions...You can hope in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one fills up first. He'll be home. Eventually. Maybe not in the next six months, maybe not in the next two years...but eventually. And I'll see him a few times between now and whenever he decides to complete his Naval work (I assume he'll be done after his first four years are finished, but knowing him, he could very well sign up for a second tenure).
And then he'll be home. Where I can rape him in the ear, if I'd like.
In the meantime, Jen'll be home for a few months. Hopefully we can bide one another's time, reminiscing on stupid shit Jeff's done. =o)
I'm hungry.
I'm rambling.
Lindsay Lohan is shaking her boobs on my TV screen. Where's Celebrity Deathmatch when you need it? Hilary Duff vs. Lindsay Lohan would be brilliant. Especially if it ended with Marilyn Manson getting involved like he always did on that show. =oD
Monday Night RAW in a week and 16 hours.
Still no girlfriend. Still can't talk to girls. E-crush girl still MIA. Crush on e-crush girl still not subsiding.
Still hungry.