12 January 2005

Spring Semester

The spring semester begins Tuesday, the 18th, which brings about several worries for me. The first, and most important, is my scholarship money/grades (they're related, obviously). I got jerked around a little in the fall and only put up a 2.75 GPA...overall, I'm sitting at a 3.03 which is A-OK with me, but I was under the impression that I needed a 3.0 each and every individual semester.

See, a few semesters back, I had a bit of a slip-up and my overall GPA dropped to a 2.9 or something like that. By the next semester, it went back above a 3, so that was nothing too major as far as I'm concerned...but I essentially ended up on a type of "probation" with my scholarship money.

So, I was slightly worried when I saw that I had a 2.75 for the fall...but after checking my account balance at Drake's Web site, I only have a balance of $48.33 (which, I believe, is money my dad owes). All the scholarships went through and were processed and that's a good sign, I think, and I hope it stays this way.

My next worry is how will I handle the workload this semester? I'm taking 15 credits this time around...I've tried to maintain as few credit hours as possible, in hopes that that would mean I'd do better in each class (that hasn't worked out to plan, haha) so by adding another class...how will I do? It's a blend this semester of intro courses and capstone courses: Intro to Accounting, Intro to 2D Drawing for Non-Majors, and Adolescent Psychology...that's two intro classes and one, um...second-level course, basically. Then I have a seminar called Multimedia Poetics, and my Radio-TV Practicum.

Accounting should be simple, as long as I can recall some of the shit I learned senior year of high school, where I averaged 98% in Accounting. Drawing is iffey...I used to take art classes, I've always enjoyed drawing, but really sorta gave up on it in recent years, and I don't know what a college art course (even for non-majors) asks of a student. The Psych. class is potentially tough as shit, depending on the professor. Jen has a friend that is a psych. major at Drake and she thought this was a class her friend had extreme difficulties with this past semester.

Who knows...I wanted Sports Psychology anyway. =o(

Finally, the poetics class should be...interesting, at least. It's dual-(or duel-?) taught...I've had one of the professors before, she teaches some weird shit (she was the professor of the class where I had the erotic poetry assignment (I posted that awhile back) for example) but she's tough on grading. Sooo, damn, I dunno. It'll probably be alot of work too.

And the TV class will be tough AND nerve-wracking. We have to finish up The Amy Stephens Show (which, by the way, I have to go work on tomorrow), then there's DrakeLine which is a news program thing...and then we have the Drake Relays that we have to shoot and edit and whatever else. I also have a corporate video to complete; I (luckily) have a seasoned professional as one of my two partners.

Among other assignments in that class. Argh.

Plus, I'll be missing a week of classes in March to go to Vegas.

I'm also worried about what I'll do a year from now, when there will be no more classes to attend, but a real world to experience. My Arts & Science degree (in Writing) is essentially useless...and my Journalism degree (in TV/Radio) could be useful, other than the fact I am utterly useless in the field. I don't know anything and I'm not very good at anything and I get very nervous when I do work on something.

That frustrates me...I really ought to be better than I am; know more than I know. I have an online friend who's pretty much fresh out of college, in the same field as I am (TV/Radio), and he was hired by the Baltimore Ravens at the beginning of the season as a radio broadcaster.

That's amazing, cool, and what I want (well, I don't want that, exactly, but I want my dream job...just like he wanted his, and got it). And I don't see myself accomplishing that, seeing as how I'm not even sure what my dream job is...

Even in the short-term, I've got shit to worry about: buying books, the coach's show tomorrow (I should be in bed), and I have to print off my schedule for myself and my grandma (plus email it to my mother and friends).

In other news, I finished off my bottle of Jack Daniel's tonight. I had to, or else Tim would. It was basically like a couple sips left, not much at all. I think something may go down this weekend, I'm planning on it...be it dinner or bowling or whatever. Me and Frankie and Wendy and Jen, or whoever is down with going. I'm paying, as long as it's under $100.


I don't know my exact percentage, but in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, I am probably around 50% complete. I just recently finished Pilot School and have now ventured into Las Venturas. It's a fun, but frustrating game. I took the day off from playing it today.

I'll try to post a story or a piece of writing or something in the coming days, so you have something interesting to read...and maybe I'll make an audio post, because those are nifty and I rarely do them.

Maybe I'll post some of these vacation photos...I've been looking through them, in order to use them in the video, and I don't think I've posted any of them here. Some of them are strange, some are funny, some are embarassing. Yeah, sounds like a plan.
