Bored & Tired
20 years ago, i . . .
1. was 19 months old.
2. was celebrating my first Christmas.
3. had already been to Vegas once.
15 years ago, i . . .
1. was 6 years old.
2. enjoyed life more than ever.
3. was unaware of how fucked up the world is.
10 years ago, i . . .
1. was 11 years old.
2. spent the entire summer causing trouble with my cousin, Jeff (I believe that was 1994).
3. most likely was starting to learn that I hated people, my dad in particular, and that the world was a fucked up place.
5 years ago, i . . .
1. was 16 years old.
2. had just "recovered" from one of the darkest periods in my life where I was alone and friendless; things changed, though, about 5 years ago and I began to enjoy life again.
3. finally saw my mom get rid of my dad.
3 years ago, i . . .
1. was 18 years old.
2. completed my first semester at college.
3. was probably desperately looking for love (which I still am).
1 year ago, i . . .
1. was 20 years old. Ha.
2. was in the midst of - even if it's dumb, immature, and amateur work - getting this little variety show (The Orange Hour) off the ground.
3. went to New York City, during that damned blackout (which makes for a great story), and had an "e-girlfriend" that lived a matter of hours from NYC but was (and probably still is) a freaking psycho and I regret being so stupid as to think we'd "make it." Yeah, lame.
so far this year, i . . .
1. been to Washington, D.C.
2. finally let go of my cousin, as he got married and joined the Navy.
3. have gained the fourth "roommate" (of sorts) since living in this house: Jeff lived here for a couple years; Thundercunt Megan stayed here occasionally and at least a full week at one point; Frankie basically lives here whenever he needs a place; and now my uncle Tim is livin' here.
yesterday, i . . .
1. had lunch with Frankie at Culver's.
2. had ice cream with Jen.
3. got very, very close to finishing The Orange Hour: Episode V and the first season of the show... =o)
today, i . . .
1. went to school and sat for 20 minutes, then realized the rest of my group wasn't showing up, and therefore left.
2. had dinner and saw Blade: Trinity with Tim and Jen.
3. got a new asshole ripped by my mom, via my brother, over going to dinner without asking them if they wanted anything to eat.
tomorrow, i . . .
1. will sleep in, hopefully.
2. will study for my Critical Theory final exam.
3. might go aXeMas shopping with Tim and Jen.
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