Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Main Entry: self-ful·fill·ing
Pronunciation: "self-fül-'fi-li[ng]
Function: adjective
2 : becoming real or true by virtue of having been predicted or expected
Main Entry: proph·e·cy
Variant(s): also /'prä-f&-sE/
Function: noun
3 : a prediction of something to come
I've spent the last several semesters predicting my own downfall...and if I predict it often enough, it surely will come true.
A self-fulfilling prophecy.
If today, Monday, the beginning of the second week of the semester - if this is any indication - this is going to be the semester I completely cave in upon myself. I'm frustrated in every facet of my life. Yes, it's only week two of the semester, and I already hate each and every one of my classes. I'm ready for it to be March and then, subsequently, summer.
I'm ready to be done.
But even then...the frustration remains, or (re)sets in - I need a car of my own, I need a job, I need a place to live, etc. I'm frustrated with social systems and how friends are supposed to be made and kept and how I'm supposed to meet girls. I'm sexually frustrated.
I'm frustrated that it's impossible to capture a moment (or a string of moments) from December 18th until the 28th and just relive those 10 days over and over again. But, as I've already determined, if it weren't for the mundane and frustrating bullshit of life (like today)...then the feeling(s) I experienced a month ago wouldn't have been so refreshing, heartfelt, or real.
Yeah, they'd be less real without the bullshit like today.
The only thing that might redeem me from this self-fulfilling prophecy is the fact that today is/was apparently "Blue Monday" and is attributed to several people's bad days. Let's hope it's that. Because I'd rather not crash and burn.
After all, tomorrow is another day. A day in which I have to set up with student employment, attend my classes, eat a quick (hopefully) lunch, get my homework done in a timely fashion...all so I can dedicate a large portion of my evening to relieving some stress and inducing physical pain on my body.
That's right. If all goes well, I'm gonna hit up the gym about 5-6PM tomorrow night and run for 30 minutes...then hope my ballin' buddies (and some other people) are up there, so we can run a few games. It's what I need. An hour-plus on the court can clear the head and allow things to sort themselves out, as well as calm me down considerably. Let's hope this works out, for my sake.
I don't know if I've ever mentioned it here, but one of my absolute favorite lyrics off Eminem's Encore album happens to come from the song, "Encore." The line goes You walk around mad, you let your anger blind you; we walk around, just playin' the violin behind you.
Simple. Catchy. Sorta witty. However you wanna view it, I don't care, I love it. And I love it for the simple fact it brings to mind images of Cartman from the Wall*Mart episode of South Park. The drug store owner is going out of business and crying, telling the children his story, and Cartman pulls out his violin and begins playing a sad song. A couple minutes later and Kyle is reiterating the main whiny/bitchy points the drug store owner made and Cartman once again plays his violin - Kyle breaks it and Cartman basically tells him "Whatever, I can get a new one at Wall*Mart for only $5!"
A hilarious sequence, IMO, and as I said...the Eminem lyric immediately brings visions of Cartman deep in his violin play. So, after quite a bit of searching, I managed to download the Wall*Mart episode from some Web site and I grabbed a screen capture of Cartman playing his violin...and I made my first official 517 signature graphic (I temporarily used my NinjaChat one, that distinctly read "NinjaChat" (thus rendering it useless)...then I temporarily switched to an Orange Hour logo). And, well, here's the finished product:

Hope you like it (click image to enlarge). I need to catch some Z's.
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